Monthly Archives: April 2019



When an individual is struggling with addiction, there is a huge tendency that everything which revolves around the individual such as love, family, relationship, finance and the likes, are likely to suffer because the individual would pay more attention to the addiction rather than the above mentioned features.

The sad part is, the individual does not notice at first that he is addicted, until after a while when he notices that he cannot do without that particular addiction. Addiction has the capacity to adversely affect the personality of an individual, and make them different from the person whom they used to be before the addiction came into the picture.

These set of people become more secretive; always keeping to themselves, and avoiding the company of family and friends for the fear of rejection. They start hiding things from people who they once regarded as confidants.

First off, among couples, addiction is a threat which can tear both parties apart. When addiction is in the picture, there is a likely chance that trust would gradually disappear. This occurs because the addicted partner would have to tell lots of lies in order to cover up their addiction. For the unaffected party, it would be uninteresting to hear, because they are in form of excuses, which can tire them out.

The addicted partner begins to give excuses for anxiety, depression, fits of anger and the likes. Trust is an essential ingredient in a relationship, and the moment it is impaired, it can destroy the relationship. Trust is very difficult to heal, because it causes jealousy and fear. Also, proper communication is not possible without honesty, and both parties could feel isolated and alone, which then increases their emotions of sadness and hate.

Furthermore, being in a relationship with someone who has an addiction, could be likened to be in an unstable emotional vehicle, as the other unaffected party would have to make measures to adjust to every of the moods and changes of the addicted individual. At times, violence which could lead to fights, can be experienced in the relationship, and if it occurs more than usual, there is a high tendency that the relationship would be strained.

It is essential that couples who are either in a relationship or married, ensure that they do away with all forms of addiction, by ensuring that they seek prompt treatment from rehab centres.